The Membership Department updates all membership computer records with changes or payments; prepares annual license fee notices and processes income; furnishes labels and demographics regarding members and sections; prepares letters of good standing for members upon written request at a nominal charge of $15; furnishes membership enrollment packets to all new attorneys and enrolls them accordingly; and administers State Bar elections under the direction of the Elections Committee. Photo membership identification cards are provided for $16. Call 404-527-8777 or email for assistance.
If you are a member of the State Bar of Georgia, you must be logged in to the website to view information available only to members, like Fastcase or CLE transcripts, and to receive member pricing within the Store.
The directory is designed to provide contact, membership and public disciplinary history information on attorneys who are licensed to practice law in Georgia.
This program operates under the Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competency and assists attorneys with keeping track of their CLE hours. It is designed to enhance its members' professional competence as lawyers.
By order of the Supreme Court of Georgia (219 GA 873 and subsequent amendments) you are required (before engaging in the practice of law) to register with the State Bar and to pay the prescribed dues.
To assist beginning lawyers in their transition from student to professional, the Supreme Court of Georgia, on Feb. 2, 2005, authorized the State Bar of Georgia to proceed with the creation of the Transition Into Law Practice Program.
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